
Welcome from the Vice President of Development

Welcome from the Vice President of Development

Thank you for your generous support of The Schools of Saint Mary!

No investment we make is more important than the investment we make in the education of our young. We at Saint Mary’s make that crucial investment every day in the education we provide to our young in the rich Catholic tradition.

We hope the Development section of our website will inspire you to make a charitable contribution to the advancement of our mission, whether to our Annual Fund, one of our Scholarships, our Planned Giving Program or our Giving Every Month (GEM) Program. Remember: if only 5,000 of our 13,000 alumni make an annual contribution of $200, we will reach our $1m goal for our Annual Fund.

If you need help with a Planned Giving bequest or wire transfer or have any questions at all about our Development Department, please shoot us an email or give us a call. We are always pleased to hear from our generous Partners in Stewardship!

Many thanks for your generous past support. Our family at Saint Mary’s look forward to hearing from you and your family soon.

Best Grateful Regards,

Edward Short
Vice President of Development

For more information, please contact the Development Office

Mr. Edward Short 516-627-2711 ext. 1120