News Detail

St. Mary's Goes to the White House in Brookville, NY

The White House Replica at LIU Post
As Americans, we enjoy many blessings. Our country is big and beautiful; we have abundant natural resources; and our people are brave, free, and faithful. But of all of our national blessings none is more precious than our Constitution, which Alexis de Tocqueville regarded as the “most perfect that has ever existed.” It is precisely because the Constitution helps to ensure our liberties that we must not only preserve but celebrate it. And that is why Saint Mary’s trip to the replica of the White House at the Roosevelt School of Long Island University was so special. Civics education is a vital part of our history program. After all, it helps our students understand the importance of their civic responsibilities. The White House replica gave our students a unique opportunity to enter into the responsibilities of the Executive Branch in a simulation of presidential deliberations regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis, which our talented history teacher Brendan Gilroy prepared our history honor students to conduct.  Here are photographs of the trip.      
God bless America!